Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Break up of Punjab is part of a larger agenda (My article published in THE NEWS dated 30 Jan 2013)

The NA is all set to present a bill for formulation of Bahawalpur Southern Punjab Province in its current session, comprising Bahawalpur, Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan Divisions and Bakkar, Mianwali Districts. Though the move is being ascribed as a political ploy of the ruling coalition in view of the forthcoming elections, yet possibility of a sinister design behind the effort cannot be ruled out. It may seem far-fetched to many but a critical analysis of happenings / events in the last five years would reveal that demand for division of Punjab by carving out a new province, especially in its proposed configuration, is part of a larger agenda of some of our top leaders, as well as, outside powers, especially USA-India Nexus which have long term interests in the region.
To elaborate, I may briefly highlight the USA-Indian agenda in the region and its implications for Pakistan. For implementation of their ‘containment of China’ strategy and intent to exploit the mineral/energy resources of Central Asia, certain pre-requisites must be met; (1) USA must gain and maintain foothold in Central Asia. For the purpose, it must have a secure corridor from the Arabian Sea to Central Asia i.e through Pakistan (2) Since, the USA sees India as a strategic partner in their ‘Grand Design’ for the region, it must also be given pre-eminence and provided a secure corridor to Afghanistan and Central Asia (3) By implication, Pakistan must act as a pliant state and not only expected to provide these corridors but also facilitate USA-Indian ingress into Central Asia, as demanded.
In pursuance of this agenda, USA has been able to exercise influence on Pakistan’s policy making by controlling the ruling elite. However, balkanization of Pakistan still remains an option with USA-India Nexus and Punjab, Pakistan’s centre of gravity in its present configuration, with nuclear weapons and strong Army, is considered as an impediment to such designs. As such, from their perspective Punjab’s strength must be diluted as a first step towards Pakistan’s balkanization (God forbid), if the situation so demands.
That be the agenda, one is perturbed to see how in the last few years deliberate attempts have been / are being made by leadership with vested interests to weaken Punjab. Its manufacturing industry has been deliberately denied gas and electricity, which is now at the brink of disaster. The agricultural output is gradually being affected by construction of new hydroelectric power projects, dams and link canals by India, to which the present government is turning a blind eye. After creation of proposed Bahawalpur South Punjab Province, the Indus River will also be delinked from the remaining Punjab, thus ultimately turning it into a wasteland.  
Thus, for those who are contemplating Pakistan’s balkanization, Punjab would not only be cut to size by its division but virtually rendered as an impotent entity without industry, depleted agricultural output and meagre other sources of income. In such a state, it would be totally dependent on others to survive and, as such, by compulsion act as a corridor for Indo-Afghan-Central Asia trade via Wagah to generate income – the foreign agenda will be fulfilled.
The configuration of the proposed Bahawalpur South Punjab Province is yet another indicator that some of those pursuing it are also catering for the scenario emanating from Pakistan’s possible balkanization (God Forbid). It seems that the same has been prepared on the assumption that with no industrial base, very little natural resources and meagre sources of income in the shape of agricultural output, it would be difficult for the proposed Bahawalpur South Punjab Province to survive independently and will have to depend on Sindh for energy and transit facilities. Thus, economic dependence, coupled with already existing cultural / political cohesion would provide strong basis for unification of Sindh and Bahawalpur South Punjab Province as one entity.
Accordingly, the new province has been configured to secure Sindh’s life-line by ensuring coverage of entire Indus River of the present Punjab. Secondly, it is being ensured that the proposed province links Sindh and KP to serve as a corridor from Arabian Sea / India to Afghanistan / Central Asia.
With no prominent Saraiki leader in the limelight, nobody should have a doubt as to who would occupy the driving seat in such a dispensation. Besides, after unification, their numerical differential with the Urdu speaking population of urban Sindh would increase further - Zardari & Co in total control with marginalized MQM.
The above scenario could be a figment of my imagination and many may not even consider it within the realm of possibilities but those who are supporting the idea of a new province in the proposed configuration must analyse the issue from all perspectives. It is not a matter which may be dealt with and supported on basis that ‘it sets a precedent to pursue our cause’, or bargained for ‘what is in it for us’, or adopt wait and see policy contemplating ‘how can we exploit the situation to our advantage’.
In my considered view, Punjab’s integrity must be preserved as Pakistan’s centre of gravity and if at all an odd province is to be carved out for convenience of masses, it must be done deliberately purely on administrative basis. Any precedence of creating provinces on ethnic grounds would set into motion many more such movements detrimental to Pakistan’s integrity.      

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