Friday, 21 September 2012

A nation on self destruction mode – to what end (By Tahir Ali)

These days the Muslim Ummah is outraged by the blasphemous movie prepared by an American and are agitating against this gruesome act. Pakistan is no exception. In fact, we as a nation have always topped the list of those who react violently to such provocations and, in the process, attempt to destroy our own country. Is this the right way to demonstrate our love for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), would the perpetrators of such a heinous act be brought to justice by our violence and what could be the implications of the course we choose to adopt, are the questions we need to ponder. Debate on the subject, both in the press and electronic media, must aim at educating, rather than agitating, the masses.
Let there be no doubt in anybody’s mind that no true Muslim would hesitate to give his life for preserving the sanctity of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). We love him more than any of our worldly wants. It is how this love may manifest, needs to be debated. What we are doing these days by coming out on the streets and destroying whatever comes in the way, is the easiest but surely not the right way to demonstrate our love for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the best of human beings. To me, though difficult but the most appropriate way would be to emulate his personality, not by rituals but in essence, and follow his teachings to the core. Are we as a nation or as individuals doing that? The answer is in the negative and that is the reason powers that be are paying little heed to the violent demonstrations, construing them as acts committed for venting out of personal frustrations.
Unfortunately, our greatest problem as a nation is our hypocrisy and selective application of religion, as it suits our personal agendas. To quote an example, Allah Almighty says in the Quran, “And make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including sinews of war, to strike terror into the hearts of enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides them whom you know not but Allah does know”. That be the commandment, it must be clear to us that we as a nation won’t be able to assert unless we are strong enough to do so, both as a Pakistani and as part of ‘Islamic Ummah’. Are our day to day undertakings and present behaviour directed at strengthening the country? In this regard, I may also give the example of the Jews who, though a few million, have become so strong that they can enforce on the West whatever they want.  
There are mainly two types of leaders. First category is of those who play on public perception to elevate themselves. They, at best, are mediocre leaders and ultimately are of no consequence. While the other category comprises leaders who come up with their own vision, steer the nation towards the right direction and make a difference in the long run. Unfortunately, we only have leaders of the first category. In the obtaining scenario also, they are exploiting the public sentiment for fulfilment of personal agendas, oblivious of the consequences and implications of such adventurism.
We also need to understand that the religious clergy thrive in the environment of lack of governance, lawlessness, poverty, deprivation, and disillusionment. Handing over the platform to them at this stage for leading the masses, albeit agitated, is a sure recipe for disaster. Since, we refuse to learn any lessons from the past, let me remind the nation and our leaders that ongoing agitation is presenting spectre of the PNA movement in the late seventies, which culminated into takeover by Zia, the consequences of which we are suffering till today. Do we want the history to repeat itself?
Our violent reactions in the past to blasphemous acts perpetrated in the Western countries have hardly stopped them from repeating such acts, but in the process they have found out one of our major vulnerabilities. Now, they can initiate instability in Pakistan at will, whenever they want. We may not rule out the possibility of use of this vulnerability by the USA in future to station a large number of their marines in Islamabad, after the expansion of their embassy into virtually a base, and Karachi where construction of a large consulate building is already in progress.
As the indicators are, our violent agitation and destruction of own infrastructure is unlikely to affect the maker of the blasphemous video, his sponsors or the country where the act has been committed. In fact, as we have turned ourselves into a nation on auto self-destruction mode, the perpetrators have achieved their objective. If nothing else, they have reinforced the perception in the Western world that we are an intolerant and extremist nation.
As such, while we may continue to peacefully demonstrate our outrage, the long term solution lies in gaining strength as a ‘Muslim Ummah’ and adhering to Islamic tenets - the only way to ensure respect for sentiments of the Muslims by others.  

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