Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Colonization of a new kind (My article published in the NEWS on 4th January 2012)

Pakistan’s geo-strategic location as gate-way to Central Asia and its emergence as a nuclear armed ‘Islamic state’, have made it extremely vulnerable to power games of many countries with the USA as the major player.  Though apparently they attacked Afghanistan to topple the Taliban Government and bring perpetrators of 9/11 to justice, in my view, they, in any case, would have attacked Afghanistan on one pretext or another to gain and maintain foot-hold in Central Asia, which is considered imperative for implementation of their ‘containment of China’ strategy. And, since, the USA sees India as a strategic partner in their ‘Grand Design’ for the region, by implication Pakistan must be brought to a level of a pliant state and de-fanged as a nuclear irritant to India.
To achieve the above mentioned objectives vis-à-vis Pakistan, the USA Administration could exercise three options – (1) The ‘military option’ (2) ‘Erstwhile USSR model’, whereby, USSR was internally destabilized, made economically unviable and then a deal was struck for dismantling of its nuclear warheads deployed outside the Russian Federation (3) The ‘indirect control model’ i.e controlling a country by controlling its leadership.
The military option could have grave ramifications and, as such, discarded by US policy makers, unless absolutely warranted. Former US President Bush, under the influence of anti-Pakistan lobbies, tried to implement the ‘Erstwhile USSR model’ in Pakistan, wherein, CIA-RAW Nexus found commonality of interests with a group of Taliban to breed instability. Pakistan responded by double-dealing with them and as it became clear by end 2006 that the strategy was bound to failure, the US policy makers decided to exercise the third option, ‘to achieve control on Pakistan by controlling Pakistan’s leadership, through incentives and coercion’. This strategy is not only followed in most of the Middle Eastern countries but the past history of most of the areas that now comprise Pakistan also lent credence to the adopted strategy which reveals that through centuries, invaders from the North (Afghanistan / Central Asia) and the British ruled the area in connivance with influential locals, who in return for certain ‘incentives’ owed allegiance to these foreign rulers. The masses also generally displayed subservience to these so-called ruling elites, ‘imposed’ on them by ‘outsiders’.
Though USA Administrations had always felt comfortable to deal with military dictators, yet historically, they, at a certain stage tended to show defiance. As such, when in 2006 Musharraf was found reluctant to dance to their tune, it was principally decided to invest in the political leadership. Benazir, while in exile, played a major role in reinforcing this thought process. The strategy by USA vis-à-vis Pakistan, thus, envisaged; (1) Pakistani leaders willing to support the US agenda in the region would be ‘assisted’ to reach the corridors of power (2)  Ingress in the major institutions would be achieved by cultivating ‘local assets’, thereby, establishing a network to ‘elevate and protect’ those who comply and ‘marginalize’ those not falling in line (3) Preferably, with passage of time, alternate leadership would be prepared to ensure friendly change, if situation so demands (4)  Rampant corruption, economic dependence on USA and negative internal dynamics of Pakistan would serve as tools to support the strategy.
Musharraf was, thus, ‘persuaded’ to enter into a deal with Benazir, NRO was promulgated, Benazir returned, changed her stance being a true leader, became a victim in a suicide attack and Zardari provided the required replacement.      
While NRO brokered by the USA had paved the way for return and assent to power of ‘local assets’ willing to play their game, what could be expected of them in return; firstly, to support the USA’s ‘Grand Design’ in the region as mentioned above and, secondly, create internal environment for successful application of USA’s strategy of converting Pakistan into a pliant state in the long term. In my view, following undertakings by the ‘assets’, implanted through NRO or already emplaced, would ensure  achievement of these objectives; (1) Crippling of Pakistan’s economy to a level, whereby, it remains dependent on USA (2) Sabotage of Pakistan’s nuclear program through indirect methods (3) Undermining of the Army’s status as a center of gravity, establishing control over them, and curtailing their ability to breed ‘Strategic Defiance’ to the USA’s ‘Grand Design’ in the region (4) Assisting in ingress of CIA ‘assets’ in major institutions to support the ‘implanted’ leadership. (Imprints of this ‘ingress’ are already visible if one critically observes recent happenings e.g in the memogate scandal, a ‘rescue apparatus’ has been immediately energized and set into motion to protect those looking after US interests) (5) Accepting India’s pre-eminence and undertaking measures to ensure that the Pakistani nation reconciles with the idea (6) Supporting USA’s war effort in the region.      
Though these ‘assets’ have managed to deliver to their ‘sponsors’ on different fronts, yet it failed to achieve any progress with regard to ‘control’ over the Armed Forces. 2 May 2011, provided a unique opportunity to the ruling elite to gain ‘control’ over the Army as its image hit the rock bottom. They could even have acted against the Army leadership by virtue of the authority vested in them by the constitution but lacked the courage to do so without guaranteed US support and, hence, the memo was initiated, which is a reality beyond doubt. Though the Government’s desire to achieve ‘control’ over the military establishment is a legitimate one, yet seeking help of a foreign power for the purpose and, most importantly, the offers made, thereof, in return are serious issues impinging on our sovereignty. 
From the above perspective, the memogate investigations assume greater importance as the outcome would ultimately set direction for the nation. If the justice prevails, the nation may hope to break the shackles of slavery being woven around it and in case the CIA’s fully emplaced ‘rescue apparatus’ is able to save the perpetrators of ‘memogate’, the nation would be destined to enslavement as in the past, this time to be controlled directly or indirectly by the USA, through their implanted ‘assets’ – colonization of a new kind. 

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