Friday, 24 August 2012

Is there a method to ongoing madness?

Commenting on the show cause notice issued to the incumbent PM in NRO case, a prominent lawyer and human rights activist termed the decision “the beginning of an end to the democratic process”. While she has a right to her opinion, in my view, there is absolutely no threat to democracy through an unconstitutional act by the military establishment but, surely, the federation is threatened by inaptness, self-serving and ego-centric approach of the political elite, perceived lack of neutrality on the part of Judiciary and rising extremism and disillusionment among the masses. Are the stake holders oblivious of the consequences of the prevailing madness or there is a method behind it, is a question agitating each Pakistani’s mind.
To start with the ruling elite; having failed in every sphere of governance, destroying institutions and bringing the country to the brink of economic disaster, they surely need ‘excuses and reasons’ for their failures, besides pursuing political martyrdom before the next elections. Stand-off with Judiciary is serving both these purposes. As such, there is a method behind the on-going tussle with the Judiciary, though self-serving at the peril of the masses as the PPP leadership knows that writing the letter to the Swiss authorities would be of no consequence and they may ultimately oblige before instalment of interim government.
To the contrary, Judiciary has allowed it-self to be entrapped by the PPP leadership. With each passing day, it is losing grounds against the PPP’s onslaught through effective use of media. Lack of will on the part of Judiciary to take on the PPP stalwarts who are blatantly portraying the CJ of being biased against their party has started to take its toll. People at large are loudly whispering as to why contempt proceedings have been initiated against Malik Riaz but not against many others who are overtly involved in contempt of the CJ.  Arsalan Iftikhar’s case, and it’s mishandling, has further tarnished Judiciary’s image which, despite apparent aggressive posturing, is now clearly playing on the back foot.
Frustrated and disillusioned by PPP’s miss-governance, it was natural for the nation to pin high hopes in PTI and PML (N) for providing alternate leadership. Their hopes, however, have been dashed because of the on-going tussle between the two parties. It’s a shame to watch on TV the top leaders of both these parties levelling allegations and counter-allegations against each other, presenting spectre of self-serving pygmies. Both Imran Khan and NS know that ‘a divided opposition is a dead opposition’, yet they are continuing to fight against each other and one finds no method in their madness.
No doubt, in the last few years, media has emerged as a major power centre to reckon with. However, its pre-eminence has also become a vulnerability exposing it to powerful predators vying to tame and fix the upright. Resultantly, the recent infighting, graft charges and lack of objectivity on the part of certain anchors is beginning to damage media’s credibility and lending it prone to manipulation - a bad omen for the nation.
One fails to understand the method, or lack of it, behind the madness of the masses in general. They would curse and abuse a particular leader for five years but vote for him in return for a trivial gain or due to family compulsion. This phenomenon is exploited by the inapt politicians who fail to deliver after reaching the corridors of power, yet are confident to be re-elected. Zardari’s recent pronouncement that he would form the next governments in all the provinces is a manifestation of this mind-set – the people willingly lent themselves to be taken for a ride.    
And finally the military establishment whose image reached its lowest ebb in the aftermath of 2nd May 2011 incident. Since then, the khakis’ leadership has played its cards well by reacting strongly to NATO’s attack on Salala Post, making a point where required and displaying flexibility on comparative non-issues. Resultantly, the military establishment has regained relevance, both internally and vis-a-vis USA, which is once again inclined to deal directly with its leadership. Zardari, politically smart as he is, has been more than obliging in this regard.
As for the USA, period up to year 2014 is extremely important due to planned withdrawal of their forces from Afghanistan and its implications thereof. They would surely prefer the present dispensation to continue, with or without elections, as amongst our top political leadership, Zardari has the ‘political acumen and sagacity’ to ‘understand’ their ‘requirements’ and oblige.
Thus, irrespective of the damage the ongoing ‘madness’ is causing to the federation, Zardari is gaining ascendency each passing day as his ‘methods’ are beginning to yield results in the shape of diminishing Judiciary, divided opposition, a tamed chunk of media and ‘satisfied’ military establishment. In the obtaining internal environment and masses which remain prone to manipulation, we are likely to have a PPP led coalition government with Zardari as our President in the next term also. For how long this country can sustain such a dispensation, is anybody’s guess.
For my prediction to be proven wrong, the opposition must end its infighting and get united, Judiciary must be seen as delivering prompt justice, the media must break the shackles and regain its true independence for unbiased coverage and the masses must make a commitment not to sell cheaply and get exploited in the future. Can all this be achieved? I very much doubt.